Legal Notes

Content disclaimer

Cherry Bank pays every attention, to the correctness and clarity of the information contained in the site and to its updating but, as unintentional errors are always possible, it disclaims any responsibility for any errors or omissions and for any damages or prejudice resulting from the consultation of the site as well as from improper use of the site contents by visitors.

Cherry Bank also cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of any information related to financial markets on the site, as it comes from external sources deemed reliable but not subject to Cherry Bank’s control.
The listing on the site of products and services that may be offered to Cherry Bank’s customers is made for informational purposes only and does not constitute and cannot be considered an offer to sell, underwrite, or solicit the purchase and/or subscription of such products and services.

Any damage resulting from interruptions, suspensions, delays, or anomalies in the provision of online banking services that are beyond Cherry Bank’s control, such as disruptions in power or telephone lines, cannot be attributed to Cherry Bank, which disclaims all liability in this regard.


The use of the name ” Cherry Bank” or any trademark including the name ” Cherry Bank” is not permitted as an Internet address of other sites or as part of such addresses.
Cherry Bank reserves all rights as to the use on other Internet sites or in other media of any trademarks and logos of its products and services presented on the site.
Any use made without Cherry Bank’s prior consent may be legally prosecuted.
The rights to trademarks and logos of products or services of other companies, which may be present on the site as they are marketed by Cherry Bank, belong to their respective owners.
Reproduction of anything on the site is permitted for personal use only.
All rights to text, images, as well as to any documents made available for download, belong to Cherry Bank or their respective manufacturers/suppliers.

You are being directed to the English version of the Cherry Bank website.

A shortened version of the website with the main information is available in English (all documents are available in Italian only).

The full version of the Cherry Bank website including corporate information, product/services, documents is available in Italian only.

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