
Procedure for handling complaints

Compliance with industry regulations and fairness in the conduct of business and relations with Customers are fundamental elements in the performance of banking activities. Cherry Bank S.p.A. implements relationship policies aimed at fostering the strengthening of the bond of trust with its Customers and the identification of their needs at all stages of the relationship and, in particular, in the case of dissatisfaction and potential conflict. For any disputes regarding relations with Our Institute, the Customer may file a Complaint in one of the following ways:
  • by letter:
    1. Hand-delivered to one of the relevant Branches, which will issue a receipt therefor;
    2. by sending it by ordinary or registered A/R mail to the address of the designated Complaint Office: Cherry Bank S.p.A. Complaints Office Via San Marco n. 11, 35129 – Padova (PD)
  • by e-mail to the address;
  • by Certified Electronic Mail

The Complaint must contain:

  • Generalities (first name, last name, date and place of birth, tax code, residence address and e-mail, fixed and mobile telephone number and, in case of a legal entity, company name, registered office address and the data of the legal representative);
  • Identification data of the disputed claim or relationship;
  • Subject of the dispute and reasons for it;
  • Any documentation supporting the Complaint.

Interaction with the personnel in charge of handling complaints is free of charge to the Customer, subject to the costs normally associated with the means of communication adopted (e.g., cost of the telephone call at uncharged rates).

Cherry Bank S.p.A. Cherry Bank S.p.A. will provide written response by sending it to the address indicated by the complainant:

  • within 60 days of receipt of the complaint for complaints regarding banking and financial services other than payment services;
  • within 45 days of receipt of the complaint for complaints relating to the activity of insurance brokerage (with the exception of complaints relating to the placement of policies and operations referred to in classes III and V of Legislative Decree No. 209/2005 – so-called “insurance financial products” – underwritten after July 1, 2007, to which the Bank is required to respond within 60 days)
  • within 15 working days for disputes concerning payment services. If the Bank is unable to provide a response within that period for reasons not attributable to itself, it will send an interlocutory communication, stating the reasons for the delay and specifying the period, in any case not exceeding 35 working days, within which the Customer will obtain a final response. If the claim relates to the exercise of the right to reimbursement of sums relating to payment transactions authorized and arranged at the initiative of the beneficiary or through him, the aforementioned deadline is reduced to 10 working days from the receipt of the request for reimbursement. In such cases, the Bank will refund within this period the full amount of the payment transaction or provide justification for the refusal of such refund.

If the claimant is not satisfied with the responses provided by Cherry Bank S.p.A. or has not received a response within the legal deadline, he/she may refer the claimant to the Banking and Financial Arbitrator, whose operating procedures are described in the practical guide available at, a body whose purpose is to settle, out of court, disputes arising with Banks and Financial Intermediaries or, alternatively, to the Arbitrator for Financial Disputes (ACF) following the procedures indicated at, or submit a petition to the Mediation Body “Conciliatore Bancario Finanziario” as a body specializing in banking and financial disputes in the manner described at or to additional out-of-court dispute resolution bodies specified in the Complaint Handling Notice below.

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