Cherry Bank
a full service banking hub
An Italian Bank, a full-service banking hub for people, companies, and entrepreneurs.
We stand out
Thanks to our expertise, our ability of listen, the connection with local realities. Our added value comes from the unique synergy between our network of people, experience, and the relationships we build.
Relationship Bank
Listening to people and businesses, understanding their needs, and providing customized solution in an ever-changing market.
Corporate & Investment
Expertise, attentive listening, analytical skills, and a keen of eye for opportunities, offering open and adaptive solutions.
Relationship Bank, Corporate & Investment Banking, NPL Investment & Management: the souls of our organizational model.
Our figures
*Provisional 12.31.24
Cet1 ratio
mln Euro
bn Eur
Total assets
mln Eur
Available liquidity
Individual Clients
Corporate Clients

We love curiosityand we embrace bold experiments.
We’re always looking for new talents, and we invest in our people from day one. Join our Team

Find your closest branch or office.
Discover our extensive network of branches and offices, designed to support a growing national presence.
Press release
Available in italian language only.
Cherry Bank partecipa al finanziamento in pool di 252 milioni di euro a favore del Gruppo Cigierre
Cherry Bank eroga 2,7 milioni di euro a favore di NWH Srl, proprietaria dell’hotel Carlos V di Alghero
Nota informativa: approvato Bando di Assegnazione Premio Natalità e Premio Studi per il 2025 rivolto ai Soci e ai loro figli e nipoti
Cherry Bank e Switcho insieme per contrastare il caro bollette: integrato nell’home banking il servizio che aiuta privati e famiglie a risparmiare sui costi energetici
Nuova struttura stesso obiettivo: concentrati sulla creazione di un polo bancario full-service
Cherry Bank rafforza il suo impegno nel sociale: nuova linea di finanziamenti agevolati per gli ETS con garanzia pubblica
What we do
We support individuals, families, entrepreneurs, and businesses in bringing their projects to life through tailored financial services and solutions. We specialize in Retail and Corporate banking, as well as Wealth Management. Additionally, we operate in the NPL sector, Structured Finance, Special Situations, and Tax Credit, addressing market challenges and meeting the evolving needs of Italian companies and families.
Services for Businesses
We guide companies on their growth journey, providing tailor-made services and integrated financial solutions. Our offerings include ESG financing, Factoring, International Markets, Structured Finance, Special Situations, and Apartment Buildings Financing, among many others.
Services for individuals and families
Discover how we take care of your assets. We listen, analyze your needs, and work with you to find the best investment opportunities, selecting from a wide range of solutions.
Wealth Management
Discover how we take care of your assets. We listen, analyze your needs, and work with you to find the best investment opportunities, selecting from a wide range of solutions.